
The Feasts of Repentance: From Luke-Acts to Systematic and Pastoral Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

In gospel proclamation today, the critical New Testament element of repentance can be far too often ignored, minimalized, or dismissed. Yet John the Baptist, Jesus himself, and those he commissioned to spread his gospel all spoke of the urgent need to repent. Michael Ovey was convinced that a gospel without repentance quickly distorts our view of God, ourselves, and each other by undermining...

do this too. Hence material concerning John’s call to repent can legitimately help interpret later material, both in the Gospel and in Acts. We shall focus on material from Luke 5:1 to 19:10, from the call of the first disciples to the encounter with Zacchaeus, shortly after which Jesus goes on to Jerusalem (19:28) and his passion. For Tannehill, 5:32 and 19:10 form an inclusion, giving an introduction and a summary: ‘That is, we have similar general statements which serve to interpret the whole
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